Service Provider Membership Agreement 


  • I will abide by the terms, conditions, and rules of SSEPConnect’s Service Provider Requirements as outlined in this Membership Agreement.
  • I understand and agree to the terms and conditions as set out in the Disclaimer forming part of this Membership Agreement.
  • I will pay the membership dues or fees (if any) as set by SSEPConnect.
  • I understand SSEPConnect is not a venture fund, investment bank, broker/dealer, investment clearinghouse, investment portal, or any other form of investment advisor or otherwise.
  • I agree that any and all information I provide to SSEPConnect Investor Members via this website or during SSEPConnect meetings or events (if any) will be true, accurate, and complete.
  • I understand that SSEPConnect does not provide advice, recommendations, or any other indication of appropriateness or inappropriateness for a particular investment.I understand
  • that SSEPConnect does not endorse any investment opportunity and that it conducts no independent research or investigation to verify information provided by entrepreneurs and businesses submitting information to SSEPConnect, and that in addition SSEPConnect makes absolutely no representations or warranties regarding the same.
  • I am responsible for conducting my own analysis and due diligence to determine the appropriateness of any investment I may accept for my business, resulting from an introduction to an investor through SSEPConnect. I expressly recognize and agree that neither SSEPConnect nor any of its representatives, consultants, or contractors are responsible or liable for any investment decisions I make because of being a member of SSEPConnect.
  • I understand SSEPConnect intends to conduct most of its communications with Service Providers electronically, through email and Internet systems. Members must have access to the Internet and must have an email address to participate. Wherever possible, SSEPConnect will use electronic means of communication to reduce costs, protect confidentiality, and increase member participation.
  • I agree to keep all investor’s contact information confidential, and I will not, without prior written approval, disclose the content or discuss details of any investor information received via SSEPConnect with any other party.
  • I understand any acceptance of equity, or any other investment transaction shall be with the respective investor and will not involve SSEPConnect in any way.
  • I understand SSEPConnect meetings or events (if any) or the distribution of information about investment opportunities are not an offer to sell or solicitation to buy any security by SSEPConnect or any other entity.
  • I understand that SSEPConnect is not registered under applicable securities legislation in any category and, therefore, cannot trade or advise in securities.
  • I understand that the business is solely responsible to ensure all investors qualify under securities legislation to invest in the business.


  • I will always conduct myself in a professional manner.
  • I will respect the privacy of the Investor Members and not provide their names to any third party without their permission.
  • I will keep all SSEPConnect membership information confidential.
  • I will not disclose my SSEPConnect website username and/or password to any other individual or entity.
  • I agree to indemnify and hold SSEPConnect and its representatives, consultants, and contractors harmless from any and all actions, causes of action, and expenses that may result from SSEPConnect introducing me to any Investor Members.


SSEPConnect is not a venture fund, an investment bank, a broker dealer, investment clearing house, or an investment advisor. Rather, SSEPConnect is a website in which Investor Members may be introduced to entrepreneurs and businesses for potential investment opportunities. Also, SSEPConnect may educate its members on aspects of investment and business. Each Investor Member of SSEPConnect is responsible for his or her own investment decisions. SSEPConnect does not recommend any particular entrepreneur, business, or investment opportunity for investment. All investments in entrepreneurial endeavors may involve a high degree of risk, and Investor Members should be able to bear the risk of complete financial loss. The choice and way information and knowledge gained through SSEPConnect is used is each Investor Member’s individual and personal choice. No guidance shall be given, nor shall any person affiliated with SSEPConnect (or SSEPConnect itself) be responsible for an Investor Member’s use of the information, investment decision or the results of any investment. SSEPConnect does not conduct any research or investigation to verify the information presented by individual entrepreneurs or businesses seeking investment. SSEPConnect makes no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding such entrepreneurs or businesses. Investors are expected to conduct their own due diligence and negotiate the terms of any investment they elect to make.

Important Note:

The SSEPConnect Service Provider is responsible for ensuring that the Investor Member is qualified to invest in their business and for negotiating an investment that is satisfactory for their business.